Vaser Lipo Patient Consultation Process

Evaluating Liposuction Suitability

Many people contact us to ask whether they are suitable candidates for Vaser liposuction. We always insist they come to our clinic for an in-depth consultation so we can evaluate their suitability, and give examination-based advice on what they can reasonably hope to achieve.

Bodysculpting surgeries such as Vaser are aesthetic procedures not required for good health, however, a patient’s emotional well-being can be affected by their body perceptions.  Lipo procedures can help refine an individual’s profile, and in so doing improve their self confidence.

It is key, however, that doctors carefully evaluate patient suitability and expectations, and then communicate to them in depth about what can be reasonably achieved.  The consultation process evaluates both the patient’s physical and psychological suitability, and provides both quantitative and qualitative data that serve as a basis on which the doctor and patient cn make better decisions about surgery.