How Much Swelling Can I Expect From Vaser Lipo?
Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that effectively removes fat from underneath the skin. Most procedures involve one of two popular methods; traditional liposuction or VASER liposuction.
Vaser lipo uses ultrasound waves to break up fat after which it is removed by traditional suction methods. Traditional liposuction involves breaking up the fat by sticking a tube or cannula to give it its medical term, under the skin and passing it backwards and forwards. This process involves incisions to be made in the skin and can be quite rough on the areas being treated.
Vaser is a much more gentle way of breaking up fat and therefore less swelling will be apparent once the procedure is complete. However, it is important to remember that Vaser liposuction is a surgical procedure and that some swelling is normal and to be expected. The results of liposuction are well worth the short period of discomfort you may feel during the period before the swelling disappears.
Recovery times after Vaser are much quicker than when compared with traditional liposuction. In fact, Vaser patients are able to partake in light exercise after only a few days, and within a couple of weeks there should be no reason why normal activities including lifting and strenuous exercise cannot be resumed. Any dressings should still be kept on for up to six weeks in order to protect the area from infection.
The trauma experienced with Vaser is so much less than with traditional methods of liposuction that it is fast becoming one of the more popular cosmetic surgery procedures. People no longer have time stay home in bed to recover… Vaser is a low-impact procedure, after which lets patients get on with their lives.
With Vaser there is no need for strong painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs as the procedure is so much gentler on the body and therefore only slight discomfort should be experienced. Whilst there will be some localised swelling this should disappear after a few days as your body naturally heals the treated areas.
The best way to get an idea about recovery times is to read our recently published clinical survery on the duration of swelling, bruising, and numbness after Vaser lipo. You can also speak to your consultant or surgeon. They will be able to help you put aside any fears, show you before and after photos, and explain the procedure in great detail so that you know exactly what to expect.