Mole and Blemish Removal
Q. What is it?
A. Moles and blemishes are removed after a local anaesthetic has been applied to the area. The physician will remove the moles using one of a number of different methods. Most moles are removed with a scalpel whilst others are shaved off, frozen off with cold liquid nitrogen gas or removed using a precision laser. You will feel no pain or very little pain depending on the location of the mole or blemish and the removal methods used. Mole removal is quick and will not interfere with any plans you have for the day. Mole removal can be carried out for both cosmetic and medical reasons and your surgeon will discuss the details of each procedure.
Q. Who is mole removal for?A. Mole removal is requested by both men and women who are concerned about one or more moles on their body or face. Protruding moles for example can become irritated if constantly rubbed by clothes or caught when shaving. Many patients also request mole removal for cosmetic reasons if the removal will enhance their appearance. We have successfully treated many patients and can safely remove moles and blemishes from anywhere on the body or face,.
Q. Will I be left with scars?
A. Mole and blemish removal will usually leave a small scar. However, any scars will fade dramatically over the first year following the procedure. When a mole is removed, the skin surface is damaged and therefore needs to heal. A scab will form which will usually heal within a couple of weeks as long as it is treated with care. There will then be some inflammation of the area, but this will settle down and disappear within a few weeks. How noticeable a scar is largely depends on the size and location of the mole, but essentially scars are minimal.
Q. Are there any risks involved with mole and blemish removal?
A. Mole removal is a very simple procedure and considered very minor surgery. Thousands of patients have moles and blemishes removed each year without any problems or complications. Before the procedure takes place, your surgeon will discuss any risks involved and the best treatment that suits your circumstances and the mole or blemishes in question. Your surgeon will explain the entire procedure from start to finish together with any after-care that may be required.
Q. What happens following the removal procedure?
A. Mole removal is considered minor surgery and therefore recuperation time is almost zero. You may feel a little localised discomfort which can easily be relieved with painkillers. This discomfort should disappear after a couple of days, but your surgeon will discuss what to do should you have any discomfort or swelling that doesn’t disappear after a few days.